I’ve been in the garden a lot and building trellises using tensegrity structures for tomato… Read the postProject 74: tensegrity trellis building with pruned branches and bamboo stakes
The closest thing to a pet we have is a hare that hangs out by… Read the postProject 48: Reviving the spiral garden – offering to the hares
My garlic has gotten away from me. I planted a lots of garlic cloves either… Read the postProject 47: Herbes saleés from chives, garlic thinnings and a few other herbs
My brother shared a TED talk with me a few months back. He said I… Read the postProject 46: Get yourself some coffee grounds and give your compost pile a boost
Oh the swearing and snowfall and whipping winds, fleeting sunny days…Finally, the crocuses are up!… Read the postSpring time in Calgary
It’s the middle of spring and the trees are green and the garden has sprung… Read the postProject 22: Worm Cafe from some scrap lumber
April – first crocuses May – Sorrel May – chives I’ve been watching the perennials… Read the postSelf-regroovenating