Project 68: A re-regroovenated skirt from a shirt


project 38


As you can see, I finished this a few weeks ago, before the arrival of the snow. The top of the skirt can easily be folded down to wear at a shorter length.

A restart. I’ve been away from writing, away from sharing what has been unfolding within. As this blog began, I appreciated the levels of possibility of the the idea of regroovenating on a very tangible physical level of clothing and also on a human level of releasing of old patterns for ones that are more free in the body, in the mind and the spirit.

This skirt project, was inspired by a rip in the neckline of the tank top. I cut off the top of the shirt, cut open the shirt and attached new panels of fabric to create the width needed to become a skirt.

Like this fabric project, human regroovenating is not ever really finished. So I’m going to stop trying to be done. Space is needed to see a rip as rip, not a disaster, to see possibility and to take the next step.

June Written by:


  1. Shannon
    November 10, 2017

    I love this! Bravo Miss June. 😀

    • June
      November 10, 2017

      Thanks, Shannon!

  2. November 10, 2017

    Hi June,
    Nice to be back reading your posts. Your story of your skirt reminds me of an early effort felting. A scarf, too thin in spots but I knew there was a way through, not to be discarded. So I took silk embroidery thread and embellished it with stitches. Here and there. Then I found some lace from my great grandmother’s basket, attached it. And a couple of hand made buttons I’d picked up in Athen’s Plaka a decade or so ago. I transformed what I might have interpreted as a mistake, into something beautiful and unique. WABI SABI is the essence – the beauty and possibility within imperfection. There is another Japanese term – when they fill the cracks in raku with gold – an error rendered priceless! How I love this.
    Wishing you all that is good and true and beautiful…

    • June
      November 10, 2017

      Hi Katharine, what a nice surprise to hear from you and thank for sharing your story! I love scarves, one nice thing about the change in season. That one sounds beautiful.

  3. November 10, 2017

    I love this, June! I often wonder what I could do to save some article of clothing that has some sort of blemish usually a stubborn grease stain that has come to visit and likes me so well it just stays put. So creative and making use of something we like instead of judging it as useless……….wonderful lesson on many levels. Keep inspiring us! Rita

  4. November 10, 2017

    Oh well here I go again stumbling through technology………………..sorry Katherine for commenting under your name. But now that I have read you comment I am thinking of how I might use some of these buttons I have seemingly everywhere.. Rita

    • June
      November 10, 2017

      Thanks Rita! You know what, I think there is some software error that sometimes makes it very easy to accidentally comment under the wrong name.

      I have needed the reminder lately about not being so judgemental when looking at myself. It’s so much easier to do with a shirt.

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