When Bax says sway

I wrote this in March after a weekend of hooping and it got tucked away. Words in black text are those of Jonathan Baxter as I remembered them bouncing around in my head after a hoop path workshop in Calgary. This is dedicated to hoop sensei Baxter and hoopers, dancers, yogis and those in a body… in appreciation and gratitude.


When Bax says Sway

Press play and just sway. 

Blindfolds on, feel your feet on the ground

Deep breath in . . . . aaaahhhh…

Move the left hand, the left hand, the left hand, the left hand

Move the right hand, right hand, right hand, the right hand.

Move the feet, feel the beat, sway

There is no wrong way.

This sway in…

Feel the music,

Let it move the body,

Free the body

Trust the body

Awake, awake, awake, awake

Open arms, open heart, open to infinity

Open, open, open, open

Move yourself

Free your Self

Trust your Self

Move, move, move, move

You are beautiful

My love, keep going, sway

Get out of your own way

Play, play, play, play

Move it

Feel it

Free it

Trust it

Be it

Sway it

Bust it

Own it


Take a chance

moving is healing

Feel all your feelings

no judgement, no shame, no blame

Just dance, take a chance

Heart rate up! Go get it! Go get it!

Air in, Air out, Breathe

Be here. Be here. Be here. Be here.


Bounce out of tired grooves

Free the artist,

Free the badass

Free the dancer

Dance, take a chance

Sway. There is no wrong way.

Be soothed by the sway. Let hurts melt away

Who is it for?

For no one and for everyone,

For love, love, love, love

For connection to the real you 

Dance the path

The path is the practice

Sway, to make your own way

Feel the real you

See the real you

Be the real you

Blindfolds off to the real you.

Be true.



June Written by:

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