Project 21: More Bolsters

I started teaching an Iyengar style yoga class this past January.  We use a lot of props.  Since it is in a community centre, the previous instructor provided all the props, which can add up to a lot of gear, about 4 hockey bags full, and occasionally some folding chairs.  Luckily, some of the students bought their own props, so I didn’t need a full set. The bolster is one of the most useful and also most expensive of the props needed.  A new yoga bolster is about $60.  So here is my version, using what you may already have around the house, and some new fabric.  If made from all new materials (from IKEA), the cost is about $30.  So your bolster could cost between $0 and $30. Previous, I made my first bolster, stuffed with re-purposed linens (towels, curtains, etc). The stuffing here is similar, but I’ve added a few different covering options.

The bolster filling

The filling
This time I added a pool noodle in the middle of the bolster, cutting down slightly on the number of towels needed. Here I used a firm blanket and some towels, the whole thing tied together with fabric strips from an old t-shirt. The easiest option is just to use this bolster with no cover.

But to here are 3 options for a cover cover option:

1. Tied Spring roll
Cover Materials: a large piece of fabric, about 1m x 1.5m, it could be a table cloth, sarong type wrap/beach cover up. I used a new piece of cotton canvas fabric. 2 Straps to tie the bolster together.

Method: wrap up the bolster like a spring roll or burrito and tie it up.

 2. Sewn cover with tie closure
This cover is a cylinder sewn with an opening with 4 pairs of ties to close it up. If you don’t like zippers, this is a good option. A handle was added to one side and I will sew in an inner piece of fabric so the sides can overlap at the closure. In the photo below a piece of fabric is simply inserted under the closure. It is more adaptable to variations in bolster size.  I would sew the ties farther back from the edge of opening next time ( about 5 cm on each side. )

3. Sewn cover with zipper closure
At first I was hesitant to sew in a zipper, but it really wasn’t that hard once I got going.  Measure carefully, cut on the large side to be safe, it’s easier to trim than add on fabric.  Try it out for size as you go. The finished bolster looks the neatest.
Aaaaah….  Lie back and enjoy some restorative yoga poses….

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