I woke up new year’s morning with thoughts of sweet potato pie. I’ve never had a sweet potato pie, but I will make one soon. Probably a lot like this one. The thing is, I was half asleep and half dreaming and I had the words of a story/poem spoken and written on a page ending with a bite of sweet potato pie.
So what to do but write the beginning of that poem type thing.
To my teacher-friend
though not a friend,
though not connected,
loved and supported.
In a dream baking imaginary confections
maybe one day to enjoy a slice of sweet potato pie
of our own hands and hearts coming together.
Time to let go and release the hold on apron strings.
One day, in our dreams, in our every day, in our every way alive and flying solo, but not alone.
With a heart broken open to discover
fierce courage to be vulnerable and face joys and sorrows both,
a fertile field of possibilities and dreams yet unknown,
and faith to leave the refuge of a clear calm reflecting pool,
owning the map to find the way back and the steadiness to return daily.
The map can now be recycled, or better yet, passed on to another.
Could it be as simple as pie,
when taken one step, one full breath, one luscious slice at a time?
Pie isn’t all that easy, but plenty worth the effort.
To start a whole-hearted year, I think this is a good start as any.
To start my day, I’m drawn to sweet potatoes. Today I had leftover sweet potato and wild rice salad. I’ve been spending too much time perusing recipes at They Draw and Cook website.
I’m planning to make these sweet potato dishes for breakfast (or any meal):
- Roasted sweet potato and black beans
- Breakfast burrito
- Sweet potato falafel ( I like his spelling of pita bread, as “pitta”, so he says the last step is to place falafels into a warm pitta.)
- a breakfast skillet
- Once in a while we have dessert for breakfast, so I’m sure one of these mornings will start with a slice of sweet potato pie.
The possibilities…
photo from “The Vegetable Bin” by Charleston The Digitel is licensed under CC BY 2.0 |
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